Apr 6

Happy National Humor Month

April is National Humor Month!!!

National Humor Month was founded in 1976 by humor writer, Larry Wilde. Its purpose is to enlighten the public about the value of laughter. After all, humor adds joy to our daily lives, boosts morale, and makes for better conversation.

It’s no coincidence Mister Wilde chose April Fools Day as the official start to National Humor Month. For our part, Streeter Law Group would like to offer the following estate planning jokes.

Math Question …

A fifth grade teacher asked her class this math question … she said: “A wealthy man dies and leaves ten million dollars. One-fifth is to go to the man’s wife – one fifth is to go to his son – one sixth to the butler – and the rest to charity.”

“Now,” asked the teacher, “what does each person get?”

A little girl raised her hand. “A lawyer,” she said.

Optimist / Pessimist …

An optimist sees a glass filled half way and says it is half full.
A pessimist sees a glass filled half way and says it is half empty.
An estate planning attorney sees a glass filled half way and says, “the IRS took half because you didn’t plan.”

Hopefully at least one of those tickled your funny bone. We’ll leave any future jokes to the actual joke writers. However, something we do draft well, is estate planning. Let us know if we can be of assistance, and … Happy National Humor Month!!!

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